About Indian Spirtual Art

Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey: Discovering the Essence of Indian Spiritual Art

Indian spiritual art is like a colorful storybook that shows important ideas and beliefs from Indian religions, like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Artists use vibrant colors and intricate designs to depict gods, goddesses, sacred symbols, and stories from ancient texts. These artworks often aim to inspire devotion, meditation, and a deeper connection to the spiritual world.

One of India’s most well-known examples of spiritual paintings is the tradition of Tantric art. Saundarya lahari is the ultimate treatise on tantra ,expounded by Shiva To the Goddess herself.Tantric paintings are intricate, symbolic and interwoven with depictions of various gods and goddesses in Hindu mythology.

Spirituality can be defined generally as an individual’s search for ultimate or sacred meaning, and purpose in life. Additionally it was my search for personal growth, my religious experiences, beliefs in a supernatural realms or afterlife, or to make sense of one’s own “inner dimension”.

spiritual art  works on the idea of the self, the concept of Maya,exploring the themes of interconnection, interrelationship, unity, the divine in form, infinity and the eternal, hidden patterns of wholeness, the Self, shifts in awareness, and so forth.Spiritual Art often defines the spiritual experience and, in turn, inspire and shape the artistic impulse. The function of spiritual art is  to explore the truth of human existence and express the experiences which touch us to our core,thus imparting bliss to the creater and also to the viewer.

 Art inspired by spirituality is a Visionary art , that often incorporates spiritual, mystical, or psychedelic themes. I call my paintings “Manifestation Art” as I paint them with intention to bring specific things into my life and the lives of others looking at them using a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction.

 Indian Spiritual art is a form of art, mainly painting, influenced by spiritualism,having an influence on artistic consciousness. India with its heritage for deep quest for the eternal ,for the self and for hidden meanings with respect to life has a huge treasure of literature and philosophy with infinite number of ways to explore the infinite, which is the cosmos and beyond.The colorful cultures and traditions of India are all directing us to be in sync with the creator. With spiritual art having a huge impact on  the observer,touching the core of his reality, is what is becoming modernism and therefore the art of today.

Thus, to summarize, Indian spiritual art’s function is create a bond between the art and the viewer, making him experience the bliss of the creation and the inherent theme of the artwork

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